Im working in the tourist industry, for one of the biggest touroperators around the globe and I am a so called Areamanager or Director if you want to call it that. I have been doing this for over eight years and for the moment I am responsible for Mexico and Tunisia. But I have been travelling and working almost everywhere, some examples.... Turkey, Spain, Schweiz, Greece, Italy, Norway, Cyprus, Thailand, Mexico, Tunisia... I was also been working in some of the former Jugoslavien parts during my time in the military... As a plus to this I have been doing buisness in some other areas of the planet but without staying and living for a longer time.
The reason I started all this comes in many forms and shapes depending what the person in front of me really would like to hear... haha ;) Joke... ? Yes...
I think everything started due to the reason that I always been a very curious person and I was always was trying to be a part of everything, I never excepted to stand on the side and watch as a kid... Ask my big-sister, I was like a plaster around her and her friends and I think it was OK until I turned from a sweet giggeling-baby to a irritating drooling little brother... I wanted to be everywhere all the time... The problem now after the years aborad is that I feel like a stranger when I come home. The society is really different, and the mental view of the world is not syncronizing with my own... You are turning into the cameleon and after this you loose the track of your own roots.
bla bla bla...
waiting waiting waiting !!! and learning about your life!!!