
Monday, May 3, 2010

Dreams.... From the past!!!

Dreams is always something intresting and can many times maybe show you a little what is mentally happening in your life. I almost always have dreams from my military background, most of the times it is not bad dreams, but it has an interesting military touch...

I clearly remember one specific dream that has been coming back to me over the years. The only differnce have been the different people involved. I will not use any names here but it always starts like this:

Everybody is in the big hangar preparing all the military gear but I don't exactly know what they are preparing for but I know it was for something big. The atmosphere is more like a big reunion and everybody is happy and smiling, it is people from all my life most of the times and I cannot really find any system in my head why these specific people are part of the dream. The dream always change smoothly but at the same time very quick...

...We are now in hostile warzone with craters and everybody is hiding along a line of trench holes. The atmosphere is changed, everybody is scared and I am trying to keep everybody calm and ready for what is coming, but I dont know what is coming... Me myself is not scared only frustrated that I feel that i miss something, that something in my gear i not there or something that is not hundred percent ready... I feel stressed and at the same time that I try to keep everybody calm Im trying to find the last pieces of my own gear.

Suddenly enemies is coming over the hills but my gun is not working, it is clicking... The enemies is getting closer and closer but my gun does not start to work... It feels like that gun is breaking up and is now more like a slimy fish that is moving in my hands and I cannot really keep the grip of it anymore... The funny thing is that Im not scared, only stressed and frustrated...

After this I wake up and of course it has not been the best sleep of the week but the dream is still hanging on for some minutes or two before it disappear together with the morning yawn...

This dreams always come in moments when my daily life is putting a lot of pressure on me from different directions and disappears when things are calming down again...

Back to work...

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